
A wonderful experience

Aan de Leisure Collection joined Travel Marketing Experts, South Africa, at Fancourt on May 18th 2018.

Their Mission: Connecting people in the travel industry.

Our Mission: To grow our client base, market our brand, build new relationships and maintain already established operators and agents. In such a competitive environment, we need sales and marketing solutions.

This was the first workshop of its kind and size that we’ve attended, Michelle and Tammy from Travel Marketing Experts, South Africa, were fantastic and very professional, and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Although we did not join part of the group for a dinner and one nights’ accommodation on the 17th of May, also organised through Travel Marketing Experts, South Africa, along with the Fancourt management, we attended the full day workshop on the 18th of May 2018, the venue and staff were fantastic.

We started at seven am with set up in the ‘Ball Room’ conference centre at Fancourt, meeting everyone, coffee, tea and a variety of fresh juice was available throughout the day. Platters of muffins, scones, croissants with cheese, cream and jams scattered the foyer.

Everyone was welcomed, signed in and given assistance where needed, followed by a short welcome by Tammy and Michelle, and we were off!

Every eight minutes a bell was rung, loudly, much to everyone’s delight, then ‘everybody move’ and your next agents / tour operators sat down, two or three of them at a time and not necessarily from the same company. I found everyone extremely enthusiastic, warm, curious and professional.

At eleven o’clock, we were given a tea break with the most amazing pastries, tea and coffee.

After that, we continued meeting new agents and operators every eight minutes until 1pm, this was followed by a short thank you speech from the girls and after that, a network lunch was provided for an hour or two.

All in all A wonderful experience and we will definitely use Tammy and Michelle from Travel Marketing Experts, South Africa for future market research.

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Aan de Oever

Located on the banks of the Koornlands river, at the foot of the Langeberg Mountains, Aan de Oever welcomes you.

Aan de Eike

Situated on the main tourist road, close to the Drostdy museum, historic sites, shops, hiking and cycling routes.

Aan de Heuvel

Aan de Heuvel has three exquisite double en-suite cottages boasting stunning views of the Langeberg Mountains.